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SQUIRE-EDU extension. About 18 months ago, an interprofessional and international advisory panel of health professional educators began work on an extension of the SQUIRE guidelines. The extension, SQUIRE-EDU, is intended for use when writing about and reporting on the application of quality improvement methodology to improve educational systems. The goal of this group is the following: Using the SQUIRE 2.0 Guidelines as a starting point, we will develop and publish guidelines to increase the completeness, transparency, and replicability of published reports that describe systematic efforts to improve the quality and value of health professions education.

·        Applies to all learning settings (e.g., classroom, simulation, clinical, etc).

·        Describes the context of educational change.

·        Uses systematic methods to make learning and healthcare services and outcomes measurably better. Posted here is SQUIRE-EDU v0.9. It is now open to public comment. Here's how we've arrived at this version:

1.      Advisory panel created several drafts from February 2016 through December 2016.

2.      Consensus conference in December 2016 to create a workable draft for pilot testing.

3.      Created v0.8 in March 2017 based on feedback from the advisory panel work.

4.      Enrolled 12 individuals in June 2017 who were willing to apply v0.8 to their educational improvement paper, complete a survey about v0.8, and submit both for analysis.

5.      At the end of August 2017, 8 completed manuscripts and surveys were submitted.

6.      SQUIRE-EDU leadership team read all the papers and scored how well each EDU item was addressed. We then compared the scoring and rating to the survey data and feedback from the authors.

7.      We then made changes to v0.8 based on these data. This included re-writing many of the items and resulted in v0.9 that you see posted here. This web page will be open until Dec 23, 2017. Please review the guidelines and send any comments to us though the comment box on this page or to The final version of SQUIRE-EDU will be created and seek to publish in health professions education journals after the review of the feedback.


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