Nursing Outlook: May-June 2018 Issue
In the May-June issue of Nursing Outlook, Drs. Laura Wagner, Mary Dolansky, and Robert Englander lay the groundwork for academic nursing to move toward “Entrustable Professional Activities for Quality and Patient Safety.”
Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) are a promising framework for nursing education that could potentially bridge the gap between competency-based education, practice, and implementation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. In this article, the concept of EPAs as a framework for curriculum and assessment in graduate nursing education and training is introduced. Seven steps are provided to develop EPAs for nurses related to quality and safety. The example incorporates the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) patient safety competencies and evidence-based literature. The authors discuss how introducing EPAs in nursing is timely as we look to identify opportunities to enhance nurse practitioner training models and implement nurse residency programs.
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