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Faculty Learning Module 7

Nursing, Nursing Information Management, and Nursing Informatics


The QSEN competency for informatics requires that nurses at the graduate level are able to “use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making.” In this module, Josette Jones will guide faculty’s exploration of current information needs in nursing and the life cycle of electronic information systems. She will provide an overview of database structures and use and examples of information system applications in health care. The module concludes by exploring the implications of nursing information management and nursing informatics for nursing research, education, and practice.


Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Analyze information processing functions in nursing

  • Describe and analyze information systems for nursing practice

  • Explain implications of nursing informatics for nursing education, research

  • Josette Jones, RN, PhD

  • Judith Warren, PhD, RN, BC, FAAN, FACMI


The purpose of this module is to help you understand the full range of the information management process, information management using information technology, and the importance of information management in nursing. This module is presented in four sections. First, you will focus on information needs in nursing and systems for information management. Second, you will explore how conceptual models and theories help to structure nursing and nursing informatics knowledge. Next, you will explore systems supporting administrative management in nursing and health care and the implementation of clinical information systems supporting the delivery of health care and nursing. Last, we will examine implications for nursing education, research and practice.

  • Nursing and Information Management

  • Information Management and Information Technology

  • Nursing Informatics

  • Implications for Education, Research and Practice

Nursing and Information Management
Information Management and Information Technology
Nursing Informatics
Implications for Education, Research and Practice

  • References

  • Self-Directed Learning Resources


ANA. (2008). Scope and Practice for Nursing Informatics. Ball, M. J., Hannah, K. J., Newbold, S. K., & Douglass, J. V. (2000). Nursing Informatics: Where caring and Technology Meet (3rd ed.): Springer Verlag.

Blois, M. S. (1986). What is medical informatics? The western Journal of Medicine, 145(6), 776-777.

Blythe, J., & Royle, J. A. (1993). Assessing Nurses’ Information Needs in the Work Environment. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 21(4), 433-435.

Brown, S. J. (1999). Knowledge for Health Care Practice: A Guide to Using Research Evidence (1st ed.). Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders Company

Ciliska, D. K., Pinelli, J., DiCenso, A., & Cullum, N. (2001). Resources to enhance evidence-based nursing practice. AACN Clin Issues, 12(4), 520-528.

Corcoran-Perry, S., & Graves, J. (1990). Supplemental Information Seeking Behavior of Cardiovascular Nurses. Research In Nursing & Health, 13, 119-127.

DeBourgh, G. A. (2001). Champions for evidence-based practice: a critical role for advanced practice nurses. AACN Clinical Issues: Advanced Practice in Acute & Critical Care, 12(4), 491-508.

Englebardt, S. P., & Nelson, R. (2002). Health Care Informatics: an Interdisciplinary Approach (1st ed.): Mosby.

Goossens, W., T. F. (1996). Nursing information management and processing: a framework and definition for systems analysis, design and evaluation. International Journal of Biomedical Computing, 40, 187-195.

Graves, J. R., & Corcoran, S. (1989). The study of nursing informatics. Image – the Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 21(4), 227-231.

Magrabi, F., Westbrook, J. I., & Coiera, E. W. (2007). What factors are associated with the integration of evidence retrieval technology into routine general practice settings? International Journal of Medical Informatics, 76(10), 701-709

NINR. (1997). Nursing Informatics: Enhancing Patient Care. Retrieved 8/25/1998, from the World Wide Web:

Park, H.-A., Cho, I., & Byeun, N. (2007). Modeling a terminology-based electronic nursing record system: An object-oriented approach. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 76(10), 735-746.

Shortliffe, E. H., & Perreault, L. E. (2001). Medical Informatics: Computer applications in Health care and Biomedicine. (2nd ed.): Springer Verlag. chapters 5, 9, 10.

Spath, M., & Buttlar, L. (1996). Information and research needs of acute care clinical nurses. Bulletin of Medical Library Association, 84(1), 112-119.

Russell, K. (2002). Quick Study: System Development Life Cycle. Computerworld. Retrieved 11/13/2002, from the World Wide Web:,10801,71151,00.html

Van Bemmel, J. H., & Musen, M. A. (2000). Handbook of Medical Informatics: Springer – Verlag.

Wakeham, M. (1992). The Information seeking Behaviour of Nurses in the UK. Information Services &Use, 12, 131-140.

Weaver, C. A., Delaney, C. W., Weber, P., & Carr, R. L. (2010). Nursing and Informatics for the 21st Century. Chicago, IL: HIMSS.

Wood, F., & Wright, P. (1996). The Impact of Information on Clinical Decision Making by General Medical Practitioners. Information Research. Retrieved 12/4/2002, from the World Wide Web:

Self-Directed Learning Resources


After you have reviewed the module presentations and resources, consider how this material is relevant to your own work and experience. The following is a list of questions for self-reflection or for use in class.

  1. How well can students in my course [school] access, use and evaluate healthcare information? Are the conversant in the benefits and limitations of different communication technologies?

  2. What are the most pressing challenges we face [in this course/at this school] implementing nursing informatics approaches in your curriculum? What is one thing we could do that would enhance students competency in informatics now?


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