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Faculty Learning Module 13


Cultivating a Culture of Justice in Nursing Education and Healthcare


As the largest part of the health care workforce, nurses have the opportunity to respond to the rapid changes occurring in a way that seeks to ensure every person has the opportunity to receive the best possible treatment and care. Cultivating a culture of justice where nurses and patients are full partners requires knowledge and skills in teamwork and collaboration. This module will explore the strategies for and implications of cultivating a culture of justice in nursing education and healthcare.


Upon completion of this section, you will be able to:

  • Identify what “justice” means in an educational and healthcare context.

  • Examine how unjust cultures are created and perpetuated.

  • Analyze the paradigm shifts necessary for a culture of justice to thrive in educational and healthcare settings.

  • Explore specific steps, individual and systematic, for creating a just culture.

  • Devjani (Juni) Banerjee-Stevens, PhD

  • Sara Horton-Deutsch, PhD, PMHCNS, RN


As the largest part of the health care workforce, nurses have the opportunity to respond to the rapid changes occurring in a way that seeks to ensure every person has the opportunity to receive the best possible treatment and care. Cultivating a culture of justice where nurses and patients are full partners requires knowledge and skills in teamwork and collaboration. However, before nurses can fully participate and respond effectively to rapidly changing health care settings they must uncover and address the long history of hierarchical and patriarchal structures that prevent full participation. It will require a conscious effort to change this powerful dynamic. How do students develop this ability? How would we, as teachers, know if our students are treated justly and in turn treat their patients fairly, with unconditional regard? Do patients in their care feel safe? This module provides an opportunity to explore the concept of justice and why it is necessary for creating educational and health care systems where nurses can fully lead, and build teamwork and collaboration that ensures high-quality care for all patients.

Cultivating a Culture of Justice in Nursing Education and Healthcare

After you have reviewed the module presentations and resources, consider how this material is relevant to your own work and experience. The following is a list of questions for self-reflection or for use in class.

  1. How do we teach social justice currently? Is this concept part of the formal curriculum? Is it taught across the curriculum?

  2. Do students in our program recognize the importance of their contributions to the resolution of conflict and recognize the unique contributions that other members bring to the team? Do they understand these aspects of teamwork and collaboration or as one more skill in their repertoire?

  3. How can understanding justice and how it supports equity in health care be helpful in fostering students’ ability to navigate health care situations where there are disagreements?

  4. How can we create ways to foster the practices of respecting patient’s preferences, values and needs in every course? What would be gained (or lost) by doing so? How would we know if our efforts to create these experiences were successful?


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