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Strategy Submission

Webquest on Patient Safety & Quality


Christina N. George



Assitant Professor of Nursing



Tulsa Community College


Competency Categories:

Informatics, Quality Improvement, Safety

Learner Level(s):

Pre-Licensure ADN/Diploma, Pre-Licensure BSN

Learner Setting(s):


Strategy Type:

Online or Web-based Modules

Learning Objectives:

These objectives have been identified and linked to these specific KSA and are encompassed in the stated student objectives.


Knowledge - The learner will utilize the WebQuest activity to build knowledge and discuss with peers the potential and actual impact of national patient safety resources, initiatives and regulations.

Skills - The learner will utilize the WebQuest activity to apply national patient safety resources for own professional development and to focus attention on safety in care settings.

Attitudes -The learner will gain an understanding of the value of the relationship between national campaigns and implementation in local practices and practice settings.


Knowledge – The learner will be introduced via the WebQuest activity to the basic terminology related to quality improvement while directly exploring the initiatives to improve healthcare.

Knowledge – The learner after completing the WebQuest activity will discuss with peers about the quality improvement projects that are seen in the practice setting.

Skills – The learner after completing the WebQuest activity will identify and discuss with peers gaps between local and best practice standards.

Attitude – The learner after completing the WebQuest activity will appreciate and discuss why continuous quality improvement is an essential part of the daily work of all healthcare professionals.

Strategy Overview:

The webquest is formatted to strategically introduce basic concepts of Safety and Quality as well as expose the learner to the preferred best practices of these concepts.
In this assignment the learner will find a wealth of information and shared knowledge from the healthcare community and this activity may be the first exposure to new organizations, groups, initiatives, goals, plans, ideas, and to the leaders and drivers of the healthcare reform movement.
The student reviews the narrated powerpoint and then begins the webquest either in a classroom setting or as an independent learning opportunity.

Additional Materials:

I have included the overview and the short narrated powerpoint that the students read prior to beginning the webquest activity.

If you have any questions please contact:

Christina George Rn, MS, CNE

Evaluation Description:

We utilized this activity in a blended Issues & Perspectives on Nursing course.

There were a total of 4 activities and discussions that were worth 10 points, the students were to post 1 original post and then reply to 1 of their peers with a relefctive and thoughtful reply.

This activty has been used for 3 semesters and the feedback from the students confirms the use of the activity.  Many of them do not realize the resourse that are available to them via the web.  This is a demonstration and a confirmation to them that there are high quality on-line resources that enhance, improve, and guide their future nursing practice.
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