Strategy Submission
OB Unfolding Case
Carol F. Durham
Ed.D(c.), RN
Director Clinical Education & Resource Center and Clinical Associate Professor
Kathy Alden, RN, MSN, EdD(c), IBCLC Clinical Associate Professor, School of Nursing, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, Camille Lambe, RN, PhD
UNC-Chapel Hill School of Nursing
Competency Categories:
Patient-Centered Care, Safety, Teamwork and Collaboration
Learner Level(s):
Continuing Education, Pre-Licensure ADN/Diploma, Pre-Licensure BSN
Learner Setting(s):
Skills or Simulation Laboratories
Strategy Type:
General Strategy
Learning Objectives:
Strategy Overview:
Submitted Materials:
Additional Materials:
If additional information is desired please contact Carol Durham, Director, Clinical Education & Resource Center at and be CERTAIN to list in the subject line "QSEN teaching" otherwise the request may not be received.
Evaluation Description: