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Strategy Submission

Literature Review


Martha McMillan



Assitant Professor


Angela Bordelon, RN, MSN, CNE


Louisiana State University of Alexandria


Competency Categories:

Evidence-Based Practice, Informatics, Patient-Centered Care, Quality Improvement, Safety

Learner Level(s):

New Graduates/Transition to Practice, Pre-Licensure ADN/Diploma, Pre-Licensure BSN, RN to BSN, Staff Development

Learner Setting(s):

Classroom, Clinical Setting, Skills or Simulation Laboratories

Strategy Type:

Paper Assignments

Learning Objectives:

1.Demonstrate effective use of technology to conduct a literature review of a nursing topic of choice to obtain evidence based articles from reliable peer review nursing journals. (EBP, Informatics) 2.Summarize evidence based practice presented in the peer review nursing journal. (EBP) 3.Apply evidence based practice to nursing practice today. (EBP, Safety, Patient Centered Care, Practice) 4.Formulate a problem statement or question related to how the evidence can help improve nursing practice. (EBP, Quality Improvement)

Strategy Overview:

This teaching strategy is designed to teach students how to develop research skills through the development of a problem statement and formal review of literature related to the problem statement. Areas selected may pertain to nursing, a clinical nursing issue, or healthcare issue related to nursing. The area of interest, clinical issue, or research problem may focus on content related to didactic/clinical component of the course or current trends in nursing or health care. The topic/problem statement requires approval before the review is started. Once approved, students are to examine six research based nursing articles that relate to the chosen topic. The student must then provide no more than a one page summary on each article consisting of: 1-2 paragraphs summarizing the purpose for the research, how the research was conducted (research methods), and research conclusions; and, 1-2 paragraphs describing relevance to the problem statement and how the findings impact nursing practice. Summaries are to be written according to APA guidelines. The project can be submitted electronically or in a 2 inch binder and includes: rubric, title page, articles, article summaries, and reference page. All written documents must follow APA guidelines. After submission and grading of the project, students are to make corrections as needed and create a professional poster, that depicts summarized research, to present at an interdisciplinary campus event or at local health care related events.

Submitted Materials:

QSEN265.2-Lit-review-and-poster-presentation-guidelines-3.docx -

Additional Materials:

Attached is the literature review and poster presentation guidelines and rubrics.

Evaluation Description:

Evaluation of the learning objectives is completed through earning a passing grade on both the written assignment and the poster presentation by the use of a rubric for each. Additional points deducted for late submission in the first 24 hours. After 24 hours, the student earns a zero on the assignment. Through this project, students are able to identify QSEN competencies while identifying how patient care can be improved utilizing current evidence based practice protocols.
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