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Strategy Submission

Introducing Beginning Pre-Licensure Baccalaureate Students to the QSEN Competencies Using a Round-Robin Teaching Strategy


Elizabeth Murray



Assistant Professor



Florida Gulf Coast University School of Nursing


Competency Categories:

Evidence-Based Practice, Informatics, Patient-Centered Care, Quality Improvement, Safety, Teamwork and Collaboration

Learner Level(s):

Pre-Licensure BSN

Learner Setting(s):


Strategy Type:

General Strategy

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this class activity, the students will be able to: 1. Describe the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) Initiative. 2. Discuss the six QSEN Competencies and several related knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs).

Strategy Overview:

The QSEN Round-Robin is an activity designed to introduce pre-licensure BSN students to the QSEN competencies during their first semester in the nursing program in our Introduction to Professional Nursing course. Students are given an overview of the quality movement, the IOM Core Competencies for Health Professionals, and the QSEN Initiative during on class session. At the end of the session, students draw a competency out of a bag and complete the following: 1. Read a chapter in their textbook related to the specific competency they drew. 2. Read the article by Cronenwett et al. (2007). 3. Read articles and visit websites related to their competency - students are given a list of required and recommended readings for this activity (see attached strategy materials). 4. Students are told to come to the next class session prepared to discuss their competencies in a Round-Robin. At the beginning of the next class session, students join other classmates with the same competency to discuss and share their findings. They are asked to discuss the following in the Round-Robin: 1. What is the definition of the QSEN competency? 2. How does the QSEN competency relate to the IOM Core Competencies? 3. Describe several knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) related to this competency. 4. What did you learn about this competency that surprised you? I walk around to each group during this time to help clarify any issues and answer questions. I found they need a little help with relating specific KSAs to their courses and simulation labs at this time. After about 20 minutes, students are reorganized into six (6) groups with each competency being represented - Round-Robin. Group members each discuss their specific competency with other group members. Students are asked to discuss the following in their second Round-Robin. 1. What is the definition of the QSEN competency? 2. How does the QSEN competency relate to the IOM Core Competencies? 3. Describe several knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to the competencies? 4. Share with the group several things about their competency that surprised them and others in their previous Round-Robin. 5. At this time in the nursing program, which of the QSEN Competencies and KSAs do you believe you are beginning to master? Students spend about 45 minutes in their second Round-Robin and then share highlights of their discussions with the entire class. I address any concepts and KSAs that I believe they should be aware of if they do not cover them in their highlights.

Additional Materials:

Evaluation Description:

Students are not formally evaluated in this learning activity. However, participation in each Round-Robin is observed as well as individual student input in the class discussion. I spend time with each group to assess student interaction/participation and to answer any questions. Students complete a reflective journal entry for each class session in this beginning course. Student journal entries were very insightful when I implemented this strategy in Fall 2013.
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