Strategy Submission
Interprofessional Curriculum in Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Leslie W. Hall
Associate Professor of Clinical Internal Medicine
Susan Scott, RN, MSN; Patient Safety Coordinator, Univ of Missouri Health Care; Columbia, MO, USA Karen R. Cox, RN, PhD; Manager of Quality/Safety at Univ of Missouri Health Care; Columbia, MO, US
University of Missouri - Columbia
Competency Categories:
Patient-Centered Care, Quality Improvement, Safety, Teamwork and Collaboration
Learner Level(s):
Pre-Licensure BSN
Learner Setting(s):
Strategy Type:
Case Studies
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this four week course, you should be able to demonstrate the following knowledge and skills in patient safety, quality improvement and teamwork:
Patient Safety:
- Define a medical error, adverse event, and near miss
- Describe typical responses to medical error
- Describe rationale for standardization of routine procedures and processes
- Describe contributing factors to medical error
- Identify root causes, contributing factors and corrective strategies following review of an adverse event
Quality of Care:
- Identify the six Institute of Medicine aims for quality care
- Describe and explain basic quality improvement/change concepts o Care as a process o Developing an aim statement for an improvement project o Collection of baseline and process data (numerator and denominator)
- Describe how both medical and process improvement knowledge are needed for health care improvement
- Identify and critique the gap between current practice and best practice
- Demonstrate problem solving on behalf of a known quality gap
- Generate a process flow map for a given care process
- Identify aim/goal statement
- Identify one key measurement to track progress
- Identify one key measurement to evaluate intervention
- Describe strengths that various health professions bring to patient care, and articulate why and how various health professions must work together within a health care team to achieve improvement
- Describe necessary elements of effective teamwork
- Describe necessary elements of effective team leaders
- Identify key interpersonal skills that facilitate effective teamwork
- Participate in team critique
Strategy Overview:
Submitted Materials:
Additional Materials:
Interprofessional_Curriculum_in_Patient_Safety_and_Quality.doc (147Kb)
Safety_and_Quality_Attitudes_Survey.doc (101Kb)
Pt_Safety_and_QI_Project_Presentation.ppt (67Kb)
Evaluation Description: