Strategy Submission
Evolving Stem Cell Transplant Simulation Scenario: Stem Cell Infusion and Mock Code
Naomi Cazeau
Adult Stem Cell Transplant Nurse Practitioner & Ed.D student
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center/ Teachers College, Columbia University
Competency Categories:
Patient-Centered Care, Safety, Teamwork and Collaboration
Learner Level(s):
Staff Development
Learner Setting(s):
Skills or Simulation Laboratories
Strategy Type:
Case Studies
Learning Objectives:
Strategy Overview:
Submitted Materials:
CAZEAUSBARCommunicationEvalChecklist.docx -
CazeauSimConfidentialityAgreementTemplate.docx -
CAZEAUSimulation-Design-Template-4.docx -
CazeauStemCellInfusionEvaluationChecklist.docx -
CazeauStemCellMockCodeProgramEval.docx -
Competency-Categories-2-1.docx -
Additional Materials:
Adams, D.A., Dobbs, J., Greene, M., MacGillis, P.A., Stockhausen, P.A. (2002). A model to enhance
staff response in cardiopulmonary arrest. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 17, 47-54.
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and recommendation (SBAR) model for communication between health care Professionals: A
clinical intervention pilot study. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 8, 530-535.
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MA, Thompson TM, Zimmerman JL. Part 8: post–cardiac arrest care: 2015 American Heart
Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency
Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2015;132(suppl 2): S465–S482.
Cheng, A., Hunt, E.A., Donoghue. A., Nelson-McMillan, K., Nishisaki, A., LeFlore, J.,…Nadkarni, V.M.
(2013). Examining pediatric resuscitation education using simulation and scripted debriefing: A multicenter randomized trial. JAMA Pediatrics, 167, 528-536.
Eppich, W., Cheng, A. (2015). Promoting excellence and reflective learning in simulation (PEARLS):
Development and rationale for a blended approach to health care simulation debriefing. Simulation in Healthcare, 10, 106-115.
Ezzone, S.A. (2013). Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A manual for nursing practice 2nd Ed
Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology Nursing Society.
INACSL Standards Committee (2016, December). INACSL Standards of Best Practice: SimulationSM
Outcomes and objectives. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 12, S13-S15.
Jeffries, P. (2012). Simulation in Nursing Education: From Conceptualization to Evaluation 2nd New
York, NY: National League for Nursing.
Kaye, W. (1981). The mega-code for training the advanced cardiac life support team. Heart and Lung, 10,
Kuiper, R.A., Heinrich, C., Matthias, A., Graham, M.J., Bell-Kotwall, L. (2008). Debriefing with the OPT
model of clinical reasoning during high fidelity patient simulation. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 5, 1-14.
Laerdal. (2018). SimMan 3G. Retrieved from
Link MS, Berkow LC, Kudenchuk PJ, Halperin HR, Hess EP, Moitra VK, Neumar RW, O’Neil BJ,
Paxton JH, Silvers SM, White RD, Yannopoulos D, Donnino MW. Part 7: adult advanced
cardiovascular life support: 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2015;
132(suppl 2): S444–S464.
Miceli, T., Lilleby, K., Noonan, K., Kurtin, S., Faiman, B., Magnan, P.A. (2013). Autologous
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for patients with multiple myeloma: An overview for
nurses in community practice. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17, 13-24.
National League for Nursing. (2015). Simulation Design Template. Retrieved from
Nehring, W. M. & Lashley, F. R. (2010). High-Fidelity Patient Simulation in Nursing Education.
Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett. ISBN 978-0763756512
Page-Cutrara, K. (2014). Use of prebriefing in nursing simulation: A literature review. Journal of Nursing
Education, 53, 136-141.
Pesut, D.J., Herman, J. (1998). OPT: Transformation of nursing process for contemporary practice.
Nursing Outlook, 46, 29-36.
Spunt, D., Foster, D., Adams, K. (2004). A mock code: A clinical simulation module. Nurse Educator,
29, 192-194.
Stephenson, E. (2015). Tips for the use of simulation to maintain competency in performing high-
risk/low-frequency procedures. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 46, 157-159.
Wechalekar, A.D., Gillmore, J.D., Hawkins, P.N. (2016). Systemic amyloidosis. Lancet, 387, 2641-54.
Weil, M.H., Fries, M. (2005). In-hospital cardiac arrest. Critical Care Medicine, 33, 2825-2830.
Yura, H., Walsh, M.B. (1988). The nursing process: assessment, planning, implementation, and
evaluation. 5th ed. Norwalk, CT: Appleton and Lange.
Evaluation Description: