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Strategy Submission
Clinical Readiness Practice and Evaluation
Lisa Concilio
Lecturer/Clinical Instructor
San Diego State University
Competency Categories:
Patient-Centered Care, Quality Improvement, Safety
Learner Level(s):
Pre-Licensure ADN/Diploma, Pre-Licensure BSN
Learner Setting(s):
Classroom, Skills or Simulation Laboratories
Strategy Type:
Paper Assignments
Learning Objectives:
This is a non-proctored experience for novice or beginner students to combine assessment, lab interpretation, medication clinical reasoning, and become exposed to the acute care setting, virtually, at no cost.
Strategy Overview:
This learning strategy allows novice or beginner nursing students to simulate performing an anterior and posterior assessment. QR codes, their Smartphones, and ear buds are used to simulate a stethoscope. Students are directed to check orders, review the patient's MAR, listen to an SBAR from the previous shift, reconcile inconsistencies heard in report, use AIDET to meet their patient, perform an assessment, interpret and trend lab findings, and finally, decide patient specific nursing interventions.
Additional Materials:
Students will need their Smartphone, earbuds, black pen, and download a QR code reader (many are free and excellent quality).
Evaluation Description:
Students are to fill out an SBAR worksheet, assessment, QSEN medication/lab interpretation (developed from previous QSEN teaching strategies), to clinically reason and decide nursing interventions. Instructor can review in a group, students can self correct, talk through missed items and clinically reasoning. This teaching tool decreases student anxiety, maybe used as a clinical make-up, and can assist instructors to formatively evaluate clinical readiness.
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