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Strategy Submission
Clinical Integration of QSEN Competencies, Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes for Clinical Instructors and Preceptors in Operating Rooms
Francesca A. M. Logterman
Operating Room Instructor
University Hospitals Case Medical Center
Competency Categories:
Evidence-Based Practice, Informatics, Patient-Centered Care, Quality Improvement, Safety, Teamwork and Collaboration
Learner Level(s):
Continuing Education, Staff Development
Learner Setting(s):
Clinical Setting
Strategy Type:
Independent Study
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the educational offering the nurse is able to:
Describe the 6 core competencies of Quality Safety and Education in Nursing (QSEN)
-Assess junior nursing students’ demonstration of knowledge, skills, and attitudes at the intermediate competency level
-Demonstrate use of the evaluation rubric for each clinical assignments to assist the preceptor with evaluation of the student
-Demonstrate higher level of knowledge on the posttest after the educational offering (minimum of 80%)
Strategy Overview:
Students work with a consistent preceptor in a clinical setting two days/week during a seven week time period. The students come to clinical 6 of these weeks with a QSEN Competency Rubric after relevant materials have been presented in lecture and lab. The rubrics are completed by the preceptor and student working together. The course faculty assess reflective journaling assignments for demonstration of knowledge at the intermediate level of QSEN competency using the appropriate rubric. Remediation involves completion of the assignments until the student achieves a score of 4 or higher on each rubric.
Submitted Materials:
Additional Materials:
Evaluation Description:
Scores above 4 on each of the six competency rubrics. Documentation in reflective journaling completed after each of the clinical assignments. See attachment for Teaching Strategy Rubric.
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