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Strategy Submission

"What Would You Do Walk-Through"


Sarita James



Associate Professor



Louisiana State University at Alexandria


Competency Categories:

Patient-Centered Care, Safety, Teamwork and Collaboration

Learner Level(s):

New Graduates/Transition to Practice, Pre-Licensure ADN/Diploma, Pre-Licensure BSN

Learner Setting(s):

Skills or Simulation Laboratories

Strategy Type:

General Strategy

Learning Objectives:

1. Apply critical thinking and clinical judgment to identify priority patient-centered nursing intervention in the care of maternal-newborn patients. 2. Apply evidence-based practice in the demonstration of a basic assessment. 3. Demonstrate professional behaviors when prioritizing and managing safe care for a maternal-newborn patient. 4. Demonstrate effective use of technology and standardized practices that support safety and quality patient care. 5. Uses effective verbal communication with team members to help the patient achieve health care goals.

Strategy Overview:

Prioritization/Delegation Scenarios Maternal-Newborn Care “What would you do Walk -Through” Process: Students will approach five client beds each client within the simulation lab. Each client’s name is clearly designated at the head of the bed. Each client has orders, armbands, Kardex, report off sheet or an actual “report off” nurse, and explanation of the scenario. Students are to review each scenario as a clinical group, collaborate with clinical group, and after review of each patient, determine priorities and/or delegations of care. Students will be informed of the correct priorities at debriefing.

Submitted Materials:

Sim-Evaluation-and-Debriefing_Maternal-Newborn1-1.docx -

Situational-Scenarios-for-Decision-and-Delegation-1-1.docx -

Additional Materials:

Description of the scenarios is attached here as well as the evaluation form. The actual chart, or scenario materials for each client are available by emailing All documents are modifiable as the focus is to create an environment to assist students to prioritize patient care and use delegation skills where appropriate to help them prepare for entry into practice.

Evaluation Description:

Students participate with the simulation facilitator (faculty member) for a one-hour debriefing of the experience to identify their strengths/weaknesses, what went well, what could have been improved. Students are given an evaluation form to anonymously evaluate the experience and provide feedback.
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